Books 與螞蟻和蜜蜂生日快樂


"Happy Birthday with Ant and Bee" by Angela Banner is a delightful tale filled with growing excitement as Kind Dog's (make-believe) birthday approaches over the course of a joyful week.

As Kind Dog's birthday approaches, Ant and Bee engage in daily preparations, from sending out invitations to arranging party food and more. This timeless Ant and Bee book, crafted for children aged 3 and above, is tailored for enjoyable shared reading experiences, nurturing confidence in reading.

Key Features:

  • Over 100,000 copies of the Ant and Bee series have already been sold, attesting to its popularity.
  • This particular Ant and Bee adventure introduces children to the days of the week, with each day presenting different tasks for Ant and Bee. However, one day stands out as the most special – Kind Dog's birthday!
  • Ant and Bee uniquely teach children to read through word recognition, encouraging shared storytelling among siblings and parents. Grown-ups read the black words, while young children can actively participate by calling out the shorter, simpler red words.
  • Parents and grandparents who fondly remember Ant and Bee from their own childhood can now share this nostalgic experience with the next generation. A timeless classic, Ant and Bee were in print for over 40 years, making them a cherished brand.
  • The lovable characters of Ant and Bee continue to captivate fans, making this book a timeless and cherished read for generations.

About the Author:
Angela Banner, the creative mind behind Ant and Bee, initially wrote the series to teach her son how to read. The first book was published in 1950, and since then, Angela has authored and illustrated 22 Ant and Bee books. The enduring popularity of these characters is a testament to their timeless appeal, captivating readers across generations.

All of Ant and Bee's learning adventures:
Ant and Bee
More Ant and Bee
More and More Ant and Bee
Ant and Bee Count 123
Ant and Bee and the Secret
Around the World with Ant and Bee
Happy Birthday with Ant and Bee
Ant and Bee and the Rainbow
Ant and Bee and the ABC
Ant and Bee Time
Ant and Bee and the Kind Dog
Ant and Bee and the Doctor
Ant and Bee Go Shopping
Left and Right with Ant and Bee
Make a Million with Ant and Bee

我們的產品號碼: 222441
