Bravado Designs Clip and Pump™ 免提哺乳胸圍配件 - 鴿灰色配粉紅色



Bravado Designs® 一直致力於讓餵哺母乳成為最佳的體驗。媽媽們一直反映,作為餵哺母乳其中重要一環,泵奶是如此耗時,而且大多數的免提泵奶內衣都不是太理想。Clip and Pump™免提哺乳胸圍配件革命性的設計,為媽媽們提供了她們所希望的方便、輕鬆和貼心周詳的考慮。最重要的是,它可以安全地扣在我們的哺乳胸圍B型回針扣上。我們為免提泵奶時穿著的哺乳胸圍創造了真正革新的產品。

  • 專理待批設計 -可安全地扣在Bravado哺乳胸圍B型回針扣上
  • 背後 4 排胸圍扣可調節
  • 細心設計,使用時無須移除哺乳胸圍
  • 專利待批設計 - 數字 8 形的開口設計, 可以使吸奶喇叭方便插入和移除,而無須與奶樽折下分離
  • 彈性數字 8 形的開口設計, 將奶瓶保持在理想的直立位置
  • 超柔軟、透氣的純棉莫代爾混紡面料
  • 寬闊、富彈性,舒適的下圍束帶
  • 可以一邊使用奶泵,另一邊同時哺乳
  • 不包括哺乳胸圍和泵奶器
  • 此款式已經過測試並获得 Oeko-Tex®100 標準認證,確保產品不含有害物質

物料 (不包括包邊位置):

  • 49% 棉、32% modal、19% 彈性纖維

我們的產品號碼: 185705

Carlie Douglas
  Clip on pumping bra
Reviewed on: 2022-06-18
Verified Purchase
Awesome item! You can turn any breastfeeding bra or singlet into a hands free pumping bra. Works really well with a spectra pump. This is my second purchase as I wanted a backup!

Jereisha Hilton
  Bravado pumping bra
Reviewed on: 2022-06-09
Verified Purchase
Excellent, easy to use and supportive! Though I didn’t read the description before buying, it’s not a complete bra it clips into your nursing bra!

Julie-Anne Latham
  Great purchase
Reviewed on: 2020-01-02
Verified Purchase
Very easy to attach to existing nursing bra, comfortable to use and very compact (so fits easily into my pump bag). It's very stretchy so it doesn't hold my pump (Phillips Aveno) as firmly as I need it to in order to be fully hands free without losing some suction. However, it's still much better than going without.

Carlie Douglas
  Clip on pumping bra
Reviewed on: 2022-06-18
Verified Purchase
Awesome item! You can turn any breastfeeding bra or singlet into a hands free pumping bra. Works really well with a spectra pump. This is my second purchase as I wanted a backup!

Jereisha Hilton
  Bravado pumping bra
Reviewed on: 2022-06-09
Verified Purchase
Excellent, easy to use and supportive! Though I didn’t read the description before buying, it’s not a complete bra it clips into your nursing bra!

Julie-Anne Latham
  Great purchase
Reviewed on: 2020-01-02
Verified Purchase
Very easy to attach to existing nursing bra, comfortable to use and very compact (so fits easily into my pump bag). It's very stretchy so it doesn't hold my pump (Phillips Aveno) as firmly as I need it to in order to be fully hands free without losing some suction. However, it's still much better than going without.