Bravado Designs 無痕哺乳胸圍 (環保款) - 仿古白色
讓你體驗夢寐以求的舒適感。Body Silk Seamless 無痕哺乳胸圍以回收尼龍製成,為你的肌膚帶來超柔軟、無縫的感覺,360 度彈力的面料完全貼合懷孕和哺乳期間的胸型變化。平滑、無縫、無鋼圈,哺乳胸圍具有你需要的所有功能。無論在家居或工作活動,它都十分適合每日使用,快來使用我們的哺乳胸圍吧。
- 使用經過認證的回收尼龍,打造超柔軟、平滑的面料
- 無縫、無鋼圈
- 360 度彈力的面料完全胸型變化
- 罩杯邊緣的編織物料提供額外的提升和支撐
- 零束感的塑形罩杯有助突出身材曲線
- 可拆卸胸墊輕巧透氣
- 針織背面提供額外支撐
- 非常適合懷孕和哺乳期間使用
- 簡單的尺碼編排
- 單手輕鬆開合的 Bravado Designs 專有「B」形 回針扣
- 罩杯可完全鬆開,增加寶寶與媽媽的接觸面
- 產品經過 OEKO-TEX® 的 STANDARD 100 測試及認可 (70% 回收尼龍、20% 原生尼龍、10% 彈性纖維),讓你和家人遠離有害物質 (19.HUS.90934, Hohenstein HTTI)
物料 (不包括包邊位置):
- 主要位置:70% 回收尼龍、20% 原生尼龍、10% 彈性纖維
- 底部橡筋:69% 回收尼龍、18% 原生尼龍、13% 彈性纖維
- 泡棉內層:100% 聚酯纖維
- 泡棉:100% 聚氨酯
我們的產品號碼: 215134

Aranni Roberts
Waited so long to own more of these bras!
Reviewed on: 2022-05-22
Verified Purchase
The most comfortable nursing & post nursing bra I own. I have 2 of these now. I will absolutely be buying more.

Rika Alianto
Love it
Reviewed on: 2021-12-07
Verified Purchase
Good quality, very comfy, purchase a few of these

Aranni Roberts
Waited so long to own more of these bras!
Reviewed on: 2022-05-22
Verified Purchase
The most comfortable nursing & post nursing bra I own. I have 2 of these now. I will absolutely be buying more.

Rika Alianto
Love it
Reviewed on: 2021-12-07
Verified Purchase
Good quality, very comfy, purchase a few of these